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lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011


Scientists working to find a better source of energy is more economical and more environmentally friendly, then paragraph and I present a website where I got the information about a new source of energy produced by Geobacters. I hope you like:)

The growing interest in finding new energy sources
has led scientists to focus on very particular allies to generate electricity: the
bacteria. With the same concept as that of hydrogen fuel cells being tested in a car,
try different laboratories
develop from a few years ago other cell
fuel, in this case, microbial.
This is a very new field, where a team
Spanish researchers from the Center for Astrobiology (CAB) and
Institute of Electrochemistry of
University of Alicante, next to
another Argentine University
Mar del Plata, have achieved
important step: register
the spectroscopic techniques
direct electron transfer between a living bacterium and a
gold electrode in a space
five nanometers. "Never before had gotten a clear view of this process
within a cell because there are many molecules and not
easy to know what
important, "explains Juan Feliu, director of Electrochemistry of Alicante.
In this experiment, the researchers believe that bacteria such as Geobacter shown generate electricity
some surface proteins
cell called cytochromes
C, as explained by another scientific
Ficosa involved, Esteve Abraham Nunez, a biochemist at CAB
who had the opportunity to show the results of work in
the First International Symposium on Fuel Cells
Microbial held recently in Pennsylvania (USA. Esteve Nuñez worked as
postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory
University of Massachusetts (USA), in 2002, discovered that electricity was available to the bacterium Geobacter
from the simple contact
an anode, without resorting to chemical mediators.
Then they had found
that this bacterial genus
living breathing rock underground rather than soluble compounds, which means it uses
iron oxides earth as electron acceptors
to oxidize organic matter.
"The Massachusetts group is
raised: If these bacteria can transfer electrons
rocks, because we do not check if this works also
contact with a solid as
graphite conduct electricity? "says the biochemist.
The idea worked and since then researchers from several countries
countries try to develop a battery
fuel to generate electricity from microbial decomposition of matter
organic, such as vegetable waste or sewage.
So he tries, for example,
François Buret investigator of


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